RESEARCH INTEREST?      Optimality Theory, Syntax, Semantics ...


2003Ph.D. (Linguistics)
2002 Winner of the Bevier Fellowship 2002-2003, The Graduate School, Rutgers University
1998 - 2003 Graduate Fellow student at Rutgers University. Ph.D. program in Linguistics
1998 Magister Artium (Master of Arts)
1991 - 1998 University of Cologne, Germany. German Philology, Philosophy, Spanish Philology
1988 Master of Fine Arts (Dance)
1985 - 1988Folkwang Hochschule Essen Werden (School of Arts), Germany. Major discipline Dance. Director Pina Bausch - Classical Ballet, Modern Dance, Folkloric Dances, Flamenco, Choreography
2003"Phrase Structure Directionality: Having a few Choices", Ph.D dissertation, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

"How to be Universal when you are Existential? Negative Polarity Items in the Comparative: Entailment along a Scale.In: Journal of Semantics 20 No. 2: 193-237

2000 "Specifiers and Adjuncts", ms, Rutgers University - ROA 413-09100
1997 "Was der Germane optimal findet". In: Groninger Arbeiten zur germanistischen Linguistik 41. Werner Abraham (ed.); 170-202.
1997 "Die Struktur deutscher Saetze in der Optimalitaetstheorie", Magisterarbeit der Philosophischen Fakultaet zu Koeln, University of Cologne
April 2002 "Phrase Structure Directionality: Having a few Choices", HUMDRUM, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Amherst, MA
November 1999"Verb Second as Conflict Resolution", Third Workshop on Optimality Theory Syntax, University of Stuttgart
April 1998"Verb Second - Cross-linguistic Uniformity and Variation", Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
May 1997 "Was der Germane optimal findet", GGS Wien, University of Vienna
October 1997 "Verb Second - Cross-linguistic Uniformity and Variation", Workshop on Optimality Theory Syntax, University of Stuttgart
2000 - 2002 Teaching Assistant, Rutgers University, Linguistics Department.
Spring 2001 Teaching Assistant, Rutgers University, Linguistics Department. "Introduction to the Study of Language", section 03
Summer 2002 Teaching Assistant, Rutgers University, German Department. "Intermediate German"
Summer 2002 German and Spanish Teaching Assistant, Rutgers University World Languages Institute, "Languages across the Curriculum", Instructor K. Sanchez
Summer 2002 German Teaching Assistant, Rutgers University World Languages Institute, "Methods of Foreign Language Teaching", Instructor K. Sanchez
Summer 2001 Teaching Assistant, Rutgers University, German Department. "Intermediate German"
Summer 2001German Teaching Assistant, Rutgers University World Languages Institute, "Methods of Foreign Language Teaching", Instructor K. Sanchez
Summer 2000 Teaching Assistant, Rutgers University, German Department. "Intermediate German"
1993 - 1998 Teaching Assistant, University of Cologne. "Syntax", "Semantics", "Morphology", "Phonology"
1994 - 1998Reader for ZEITSCHRIFT fuer DEUTSCHE SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT ("Journal of German Linguistics")
1998Translation into German, "Comparing Italian and American Higher Educational Systems", for Ernest Lepore, Acting Director, Center for Cognitive Science & Lab of Vision Research, Rutgers University.
1988 - 1991Member of the Modern Dance Company NEUER TANZ, Düsseldorf, Germany. Directors Wanda Golonka and Va Wölff. Performances of LEITZ, DIE BÖSE MINUTE ("The bad Minute"), DIE SCHIEFE ("The Oblique"), RÄUMEN ("Spaces/to leave, to clear"), DAS GELAGE ("The Feast")
1988 Solo Choreography YELLOW BASKET
1987Choreography DIE HOSE ("The Pants"); performed by Hans Georg Lenhart
1986Solo Choreography FRAEULEIN Z ("Miss Z")